Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nine tenths

The flying club requires each member either fly an hour per month or pay for an hour. I fly at least 3 hrs a month with that club, but with the really crappy weather her in march i have had to cancel every flight so far this month. So , today when it was rather pleasant , bright and dry all day,Chyanne & I went up for an hour. The clouds were 6 to 9 thousand feet, while we never exceeded 3. There was a lot of haze . Normally the Seattle skyline is visible from above Auburn, but not this evening. We cruised around over Auburn and south to Buckley before turning west to do a landing at Thun. After a taking off of 34 we departed the pattern NE to the valley.All the while Chyanne sings little songs to keep me entertained. I climbed a bit more than needed so I pushed the nose down till we were doing 120 knts, descending to 1500 for a straight in approach to Auburn. It was a nice controlled decent with a smooth touchdown. I knew it was not close to a hour yet and taxied back to the end of 34. By now it was dark. On the next circuit I turned to early and over flew the runway at 1000'. then next time around I extended to about where the new trains depot is and had a good approach & landing. The Hobbs meter that clock the time was hard to read with my red light. It had the last tenth number in red. Finally after 34H was tied down, with a white light, it read off .9 hours .

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This is my first blog. I am not even sure why I am blogging. Anyway, I am Dave ,the Chicken Pilot. It is not that I am scared, well I am afraid of heights, But that I'm a Cautious pilot, and like a chicken i always come home to roost in the same coop(hangar).I learned to fly in 2007, I guess the dirt bikes finally got to much effort. I did ride the Baja 500 race course on a "trail boss tours"(.com) adventure for my 50th birthday. I wasn't the fastest guy on that ride of ten bikes, but one of the only three who were faster broke a hand on the second of 3 days and didn't finish. Doesn't that make me 3rd?So now I fly, riding the air like I once rode the trails. The bad part is that it is march in Seattle( everywhere really) & the weather sux. Clouds and wind ground the small GA aircraft I fly. I belong to two flying clubs, one at BFI,Boeing field, and one at S50, Auburn Muni. This allows me access to 8 planes, only two of which have not yet flown. All Cessna 172's& 150's. A 172 is a bit bigger faster and had 4 seats, the 150 only seats a cramped 2. But the smaller plane is more fun to fly solo , as long as I am not in a hurry to get anywhere. Like comparing an old MG to a sedan. The sedan is faster and more comfortable, but the two seater has a "fun factor". I have about 170 hours of time logged so far, and the longest trip so far was to Eugene Or.. Hopefully this yr, I can blog about crossing the mountains east & circling the Olympic Mountains. I have a lot of places to fly. Dave, The chicken pilot